We still have a few places for 2 year olds in our Nursery – rated Outstanding by Ofsted for the second time. November 2017 and October 2023.
Did you know that 80% of brain development happens in the first 3 years of life. Furthermore research states that children aged two who spend their Early Years Education in a Quality nursery setting until they are ready to go to Reception class at 4 years of age, do significantly better in their GCSE results.
We are a diverse friendly nursery with well qualified and extremely skilled practitioners who have been with us for as long as 17 years.
The Nursery Manager is passionate about ensuring that all children who attend the nursery achieve to the best of their ability and are ready for their next step in their life long learning and education.
We are proud of the positive relationships we have with our parents as we know the value and importance parents have on their child’s learning. The impact of nursery and positive parenting will ensure your child succeeds in whatever they choose to do in life.