Come to our Winter Wellbeing Event!

You can get your Covid-19 jab

Get your blood pressure checked

Ask a health professional about your concerns

Enjoy some free food

Find out about how to stay healthy and avoid diabetes

Get information about Healthy Start Vouchers

Advice on women’s health issues

Book a flu jab

Find out about other help and support available



Tuesday 17th November 2022 7.00pm

The meeting is open to anyone wishing to attend – please let us know so we can make sure we have a seat for you!

We had a brilliant day!

The wonderful Peace Artists performed around the park!

Bank Holiday Closures

Just to remind you Communityworks is closed next Thursday(2nd), Friday(3rd) and Monday 6th June. We are back to normal from Tuesday 7th June. Thank you.

Take the February Step Challenge!

Join us as we try to smash 7,000,000 steps in February. We are giving away free pedometers to anyone who wants to join us in this challenge.

How it works:

1. We give you a pedometer

2. We all walk every day

3. Each week you report how many steps you have achieved

4. We add them all up

5. By the end of February we smash 7,000,000 steps!

Happy New Year!

Nursery is already back – if you have a child aged 2, 3 or 4 ask about a place at our Outstanding Nursery.

Our classes and activities start again on Monday 10th January. There are rising numbers of Covid cases in Bradford so we are doing the following to keep you safe:

  • Asking people to take a Lateral Flow Test before they come to classes
  • Asking people to stay at home if they feel unwell – even a headache or a cough
  • New – taking people’s temperature before they enter the building
  • The law is that you must wear a mask when entering the building – including secondary school aged children
  • We have increased the number of classes on a temporary basis so that there are less people in each room
  • We are encouraging everyone who can to get vaccinated as this is the best way we can protect everyone

New Under 4s Play Area Now Open

Exercise Class

Just a reminder we are now running an exercise class on Wednesdays at 9.15am. These classes are free for local residents. They are women only.

Click here for the My Living Well website for tips on how to be more healthy.

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